Posts tagged expansion
If You Want External Changes You Need To Make Internal Ones First.

No greater time in history has the need for the individual’s massive expansion been called upon… For us to move forward... For us to get the world working again...⠀For us to get the economic engine turning...⠀We must ALL show up in full power DAILY. ⠀

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The People Around You

A few minutes of journaling out your thoughts on paper will save you hours of wasted on any topic you keep vacillating on. The crazy thing about this whole process is I truly started to learn to trust my own intuition.

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Team of Rockstars

It’s important that we be truly grateful for the people around us. It will compel all your actions, your thoughts, the way you see them and how you feel about your life... long before you say or do anything out of that feeling. Then the action will be REAL.

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Live, Learn, Lead

We Learn, we live, we lead and we’ll leave it to the next generation. That’s just part of who we are as human beings.

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The Money Pit

When a problem is not framed as a problem anymore but as an OPPORTUNITY to grow... the game changes. You choose how you frame your reality.

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Create A Vision

How do you create a vision for your life? What is the vision that I have for my life? If you had to visualize where you will be, think, do, have if there was no fear inside of you?

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Passion Or Stability?

Passion or stability? Chase after BOTH. Who do you have to become to follow your calling without compromising your stability?

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Get Realistic

Quit complaining about not having time. Study your time. Every minute counts.

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Everything Is Constantly Evolving

When was the last time you challenged yourself? What can you do in the next 90 days to get closer to achieving your ultimate goals? What daily disciplines will help you create more power and energy so that at the end of the quarter you end up where you want to be?

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Break The Pattern

You may have been repeating patterns throughout your life that may or may not currently serve you. Start by becoming aware of the patterns in your life. If you are not getting the results you want and you seem to attract the same unavoidable pain..

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Listen To The Voice

The Voice becomes more clear the more in alignment you are with your true purpose. This voice is there to guide you to access your source of power and truth. Ask for your Voice to manifest the answers of any questions you might have.

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What Do Your Actions Say About You?

Most of our mindset is derived from the emotions that we have in a minute. Are we mad, glad, sad or scared? Our mindsets are projected on the way we move our bodies, the way we react to triggers, the words we use more often. What do your movements, your actions, your words say about you?

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Are You Really Changing? Or Are You Just Going 360?

You may think you will change if you change everything around you. The truth is that it doesn’t matter how much you change every external factor if you are still the same person inside. What will it finally take for us to change OURSELVES?

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Build Yourself As If You Were A Skyscraper

Make your foundation as deep and strong as possible so you can build the multiple levels above it. Your foundation is your why. Define your why and access the infinite source of energy, motivation, inspiration, courage, resilience.

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What's The Point Of Gaining All These Revelations?

What you do with all this information is what drives true expansion. Action. Application. Integration make the difference between: KNOWING what’s holding you back in life vs. TACKLING what’s holding you back in life.

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Frame Your World By The Words Of Your Mouth

Beware of what you are telling yourself. Random events out of our control can happen in life but you are responsible for the perspective you choose to see and experience your life from. Shift your perspective.

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Don't Settle

It doesn’t matter how many quotes you read how motivated you get if you don’t take action. If you don’t step out and walk on the unknown. Choose your dreams over your comfort. Take action.

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When You Fail Ask Yourself: What Is The Lesson?

The major lessons that are really impacting our lives now, as we get older, are minor new ounces that we are learning everyday. The everyday application of these minor new ounces is what will get us huge results in our lives.

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Who Do I Need To Become To Achieve That?

Today, you are not the same person you were 5-10-15 years ago. You are in a constant state of rebirth. There lays the beauty of self development. We get to participate in the process of our own creation.

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Stop Lying To Yourself, Know Who You Are

Self-knowledge is a gift for those who are brave enough to dare to look into their light and their darkness. Self awareness will allow you to experience a life where unknown forces don’t push and pull from you anymore. A life where you are not the victim, but the creator.

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