Posts tagged questions
Break The Pattern

You may have been repeating patterns throughout your life that may or may not currently serve you. Start by becoming aware of the patterns in your life. If you are not getting the results you want and you seem to attract the same unavoidable pain..

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What Do Your Actions Say About You?

Most of our mindset is derived from the emotions that we have in a minute. Are we mad, glad, sad or scared? Our mindsets are projected on the way we move our bodies, the way we react to triggers, the words we use more often. What do your movements, your actions, your words say about you?

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Are You Really Changing? Or Are You Just Going 360?

You may think you will change if you change everything around you. The truth is that it doesn’t matter how much you change every external factor if you are still the same person inside. What will it finally take for us to change OURSELVES?

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What Is The Story That Is Showing Up In Your Life?

We start DRIFTING when we ignore the voice connected to our higher purpose and start acting guided by the voice of our INNER CRITIC instead. Stop the DRIFT by QUESTIONING your thoughts.

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Where Are You Not Being Real?

The more stories you create, the more lies you tell yourself... the further away you are from getting the results you truly want. Whatever is not true will take you on paths that are not truthful to you and your heart, therefore not aligned with your purpose.

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Stop Trying To Stay The Same

Most of us try so hard and we are working so hard truly to stay the same. We keep asking questions like: Why am I like this? Why is this situation like this? Instead of asking: How can I really change?What decision must I make to create that change? How do I walk away from the old me?

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