Let Your Inner Voice Lead You
Many times throughout my journey I had a plan of how I wanted things to go.
I’d be super confident knowing it was the best way to get where I wanted to be.
Then my inner voice would come knocking and say, “No, we are going to do something different.”
Parts of me wanted to ignore it.
I had spent so much time on MY plan, and I didn’t want to abandon it.
But that voice would get louder and louder until I would ultimately LISTEN.
Then the new destination I was being guided towards would be shown to me.
By listening to the voice, I have been lead to discover countless new relationships, opportunities and experiences.
My good friend @torrian_scott likes to call it, “Following the voice of purpose.”
Not every voice inside of you is yours.
Sometimes we carry voices from our parents/teachers/partners/friends...
Ask the voice... Is this voice mine or is it another’s?
And the answer will be revealed to you.
The inner voice leads you and pushes you to your growth.
It is a voice of abundance. Not of lack.
It is a voice of love. Not of fear.
Listen to YOUR voice.
Let it lead you.
And the rest will follow.