DailyQ #68: What remote work habits will keep me productive?

During a time where everyone is scattered into the wind, working from home, how do we hold it all together? Troy Hoffman draws similarities between managing remote workers and growing a garden. He describes how, like watering plants, you’ve also got to manage the bugs and snakes to produce beautiful flowers.

At Simpluris, systems and training software were implemented early on so that anybody anywhere in the world can open up their computer to start learning what to do, when, and how to do it at a 3rd-grade level, using the training course.

If you’ve just started transitioning, here’s what to do:

  • Make sure there’s a documented system they can refer to, like a checklist or manual.
  • Make sure everyone can share files and they have a clear system of daily tasks, and ways to hold everyone accountable.
  • Do whatever you can to create a seamless transition from the office to their home, even if it means investing in laptops or monitors for them.
  • Focus on those who are willing to work, serve, and do whatever it takes to help their company move forward.
  • You’ve got to set up your environment and hold yourself accountable to your morning routine before work.
  • Let those who choose to drown go, because there are others that need our help who are willing to do the work and grateful for the job.

We are leaders, we are not saviors.

These are uncertain times, so keep those around you that motivate you, and hold you accountable.

Cast vision into them and move forward.

Now go and live your destiny!


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