Focus Your Mind. Be still, calm and present now.
During these challenging times...⠀
The greatest thing I’m learning to do is sit calmly, and be still...⠀
Focusing on the moment I’m in and not allowing my mind to race off to other things. ⠀
The modalities I use to get in, stay in, and even get back to this place when I wander off are as follows: ⠀
1. Elite coaches, friends, and mentors to talk things out with. ⠀
@jermeytylerfinlay @jasonreid @marshallcook @scottduffy @ericbarlow @yukotsuchida⠀
2. Counselors that assist in guiding me through processes that clear emotional triggers, subconscious mental blocks, and the wiring of my nervous system around unhelpful thoughts or beliefs.⠀
@drdougleher @drrobertdeemacdonald @elizabethmacarthy⠀
3. Oldschool journaling. A friend challenged me to do this a few weeks back, three pages a day. ⠀
The insights, revelations and releasing of thoughts has been an incredible habit to get back into during mornings and evenings.⠀
4. The Stacks by @GarretJWhite or using The Work by @ByronKatie.⠀
Going through the list of questions in order and answering them forces my mind to constantly relook at things in different ways. ⠀
1. Calmness in the storms. Mental clarity during the day.⠀
2. Ability to handle massive volumes of information and work daily.⠀
3. Clarity of daily actions and being much more intent in what I’m doing and how I am doing it.⠀
4. More energy for each area of my life. Where before, it would be spent on the recurring thoughts of the situations I didn’t like. ⠀
Then the downer emotions would show (mad, depressed, unhappy, angry, discontent, lonely, unworthy).⠀
What can you do today to start creating your transformation?