
What is The ONE THING For You?

Everybody in Simpluris is Reading now this book called THE ONE THING by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.

“Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.”

Not all of our tasks are equally important.

Often we want to get done as much as possible...

But we confuse QUANTITY with QUALITY.

Following the 80/20 rule... 80% percent of your results will come from 20% of your actions.

The goal is to find that action that done at a 20 rate is giving you already most of your results...

And increase the focus on that activity...

Do more of that... or make sure that task is getting done first and when you have most of your energy.

Think of this...

When we are overwhelmed by errands and random to-dos...

We create these lists to try to organize our time and thoughts...

But we fail at prioritizing.

Should you get done as MUCH as possible?

Instead of getting done what truly matters?

Are all of those activities going to move you forward at the same level?

Answer: Narrow down your focus...

From a list of 20 tasks identify the 10 most important...

Then the 5...

Then the 3...

And then choose the ONE THING that you have to get done that day to produce massive results in your life...

Invest your energy in the right place and see increased productivity and greater results in business and life in general...

Every day... before you start your day in automatic mode...

Ask yourself:

What is the ONE THING that I can do today that will push my BUSINESS forward in massive ways?



The CONNECTION with MYSELF and my spirituality?

And FOCUS on that ONE THING.
