There Is At Least A Few Times A Week I want To Quit
At least a few hours throughout every week, I’m like, “Why am I working so hard to push all these things forward? Why not just quit and live a simple life, party, play, just go surf all day and quit working towards anything?”⠀
The reality is: Life, building anything or making something great happen, is extremely difficult. ⠀
The mental energy, the physical energy, the criticism you endure...⠀
It becomes draining trying to solve for things that are beyond complex and most of the time having no right answer.⠀
The truth I’ve come to realize is that the illusion that, “all will be perfect one day,” does NOT exist. ⠀
The reality is: Until we die we will always be dealing with challenges. ⠀
We will ALWAYS have problems to solve.
We should not wish for less problems.
We should wish for greater CAPACITY to handle them. ⠀
To learn more, to execute more, to solve faster...⠀
To accept the scenarios we face and go to work on them as rapidly as we can...
And never allow ourselves the excuses we can make up.⠀
We all get to choose a new US every morning we wake up. ⠀
We all get to choose our actions and live with them. ⠀
Even when I absolutely hate some of our results. ⠀
I’m on my own case all the time how I’m not performing at the level I know I need to be at. ⠀
I’m constantly feeling like I have egg on my face for not being able to execute and get certain things running like they should. ⠀
The mountain I’m climbing can’t get any bigger. ⠀
BUT I CAN get bigger. ⠀
I WILL climb it again.⠀
I pray you choose to keep climbing YOUR mountain and don’t let life stop you from your journey 🙏