Live Your Daily Disciplines

I often think about the importance of habits or daily disciplines necessary for launching a successful start-up business. Being disciplined and focusing on measurable goals may not be considered glamourous or sexy…but you better believe it is necessary. 

  1. If your goals are not measurable then how will you determine your level of effectiveness? 

  2. Your goals must also be manageable… otherwise you will become discouraged and possibly quit. That is the benefit of daily disciplines because they are both measurable…and…manageable. 

You should also be aware that you have to live…and embody your vision…you do this by executing daily disciplines, not when you FEEL like it but… every day. It doesn’t have to be a MAJOR step every day….but you need to keep that daily momentum going. 

Remember…the moment you… and eventually your team stops building that momentum, everything stops. Imagine if you will a manufacturing plant…the moment those machines stop whirring…is the moment the production line stops. Well…your daily disciplines create the power necessary to generate and create products or services through your business. 

Literally…the energy surrounding your business must be generated from the grit and determination that originates from you! Oh…and by the way…people can tell whether your intentions are authentic. Sooooooooo……if you are not completely focused then you will come across as uncommitted and unsure about where you are going and what you are doing…which will cause others to shy away from supporting and investing in you or your business. 

The psychology of living your daily disciplines includes an understanding of the difference between being a boss versus being an entrepreneur. 

When you are working for a boss they tell you what to do…when to do it…and specifically how they want it done. When you are working for yourself…it requires you to self-regulate your own activities. No one is going to be a better motivator and accountability partner than YOU. Think about…if you cannot motivate YOURSELF…then how will you motivate others to join your Mission?

Yep! No one is going to tell you to get off the couch… stop watching that meaningless gameshow… and focus on being productive today. It is simply not going to happen. You have to be your own voice of conscience… and know when you are slacking off… versus you are engaging in meaningful activities that bring you closer to achieving your goals. So let’s talk about what your daily disciplines may look like…  

  1. Setting goals that are bigger than you believe you can achieve by yourself. Remember, if it does not stretch you…then it most likely will not inspire you or others to take action. 

  2. Make sure your goals are clear and specific… because it is impossible to implement daily strategies if you are unclear about or cannot easily articulate the goal to others. 

  3. Don’t waste a day! Athletes focus on the small exercises and action steps necessary to condition their mind and body. They understand that it is during game time that all of their daily disciplines or lack thereof are revealed. 

  4. Build a no-matter-what mindset. So even when EVERYTHING seems to be working against you…set your mind to achieving the goal regardless. If you give yourself an excuse…your mind and actions will create the conditions that allow failure to appear. 

  5. Go beyond your feelings. Happiness and joy usually come AFTER the goal has been achieved. So you must separate temporary feelings from the daily disciplines necessary to push past fatigue and laziness. 

  6. Find joy in hard work. I know…I know…it may sound like the mindset of someone who is obsessive…unbalanced…even somewhat crazy. But…when you look back throughout history…successful people were able to sustain themselves because they focused on remaining joyful even when the work was hard. 

You have to be a little crazy to build a business.

Finally, don’t shy away from mentorship and coaching. You may have wonderful ideas…implement daily disciplines…and have a never-give-up mentality. Well guess what….good for you!

You still need a mentor or someone who has traveled the road that you are heading down.

They may not have the exact same challenges as you…or even the same exact business model as you. If they can add value to your approach…and help you avoid pitfalls that could be very costly…then it could well be worth the time to cultivate such relationships.