Get Clear On The Vision


How do you generate new ideas and actually take action on them?

FIRST, get clear on the vision of the outcome you want.

People often generate ideas in the following categories:

1. An idea they want in their lives.

2. How to improve an idea already out there.

Construct a new framework for something that has not been created yet.

Whiteboard conversations can help visually map out ideas and create clarity on buckets of ideas.

We spend hours on this when building a number of companies and recently, working on marketing strategies for a start up supplement company.

When we brainstorm, we challenge ourselves with questions.

What does that company do great?

What would people want to know about it? Who would want to know?

What are some ideas for what it would look like?

This helps generate a clear picture of all possibilities and seeing a way forward.

Visualization clarifies everybody's mind so everybody sees the same dog.

When you say the word “Dog”, one person is seeing a Black Lab and another person is seeing a Golden Retriever in their mind’s eye.

You've got to be able to clearly visualize it because writing clarifies thought.

After you draft ideas and draw graphics around them, determine what series of actions need to occur afterward.

The next action steps are the most critical.

What are you going to do in the next 24 hours?

Over the next 7 days, what are the activities necessary to move the idea forward?

These whiteboard sessions are so powerful in preventing another great idea to be sent off into the ethers of the world, to never come to fruition.

You've got to be willing to pay the price of time, money, and energy to manifest the vision, the dream, the new idea and make it a reality.

What action do you need to take to get a team together to whiteboard your idea?

How are you going to take action on that idea?