Time and People

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I am Beyond Grateful for the Awesome Opportunities God brings my way !!!

Above Scott Duffy and I were hanging at my house and having a blast discussing concepts and ideas that have made some of the best Entrepreneurs in the Nation Great.

When I get these opportunities, it truly does change what I think is possible, and how things really work in life.

When we hang around people that bust our paradigms, the way we see the world, and allow us to see New Ways of Looking at things it Opens us up to make things happen we never thought possible before.

Who are you going to push yourself to get around this week? What Conference are you going to sign up for? What book are you going to Read? What Audible are you going to Download? What TedTalk are you going to Watch?

You May Not Have Inspiring people to get around physically.... but with all the free content and all the information and videos and VR out there... you can get around everything and everyone you need to in some way and learn so much that your life will never be the same again!!!!